Training and Learning

A Practical guide to IUCLID for REACH
This one day workshop held online, will provide an effective guide to use and navigate the IUCLID interface for different submissions in the REACH working context

Introduction to Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
Join our virtual classroom on 1 April 2025 to gain a useful overview of the requirements of the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and how it impacts on hazardous product labelling and the supply of chemical products within the EU.

Ensuring SDS Compliance Within Your Supply Chain
Join our virtual classroom on 2 April 2025 to gain a full understanding of the requirements of a REACH-compliant SDS and identify the skills and resources needed to create them

Extended Safety Data Sheets Virtual Classroom
Join our virtual classroom on 9 April 2025 to learn more about how to ensure your chemical products get to the EU market safely

Product Compliance for Online Sales
Join us for a 3-hour virtual classroom that covers tips and tricks for buying and selling Chemical Products online.

Sustainability for Decision-Makers
This sustainability course is tailored for decision-makers ready to craft and execute a robust sustainability strategy for their organization and its products.

Polymers - EU and Global Requirements
Join our Virtual Classroom to learn about important regulatory requirements for polymer imports and manufacturing in Europe, North America and Asia. This is a key topic for business, as regulatory landscapes can be complex and vary by region.

Introduction to Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
Join our virtual classroom on 9 September 2025 to gain a useful overview of the requirements of the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and how it impacts on hazardous product labelling and the supply of chemical products within the EU.

Ensuring SDS Compliance Within Your Supply Chain
Join our virtual classroom on 10 September 2025 to gain a full understanding of the requirements of a REACH-compliant SDS and identify the skills and resources needed to create them

Poison Centres Notification Deadlines - What, when and how!
Join our virtual classroom on 16 September 2025 to learn which of your products fall under the requirements of Annex VII of CLP (EU Poison Centre Notifications) and require notifying and by when. Also learn and understand which information is required and how to undertake a notification to the Member State Poison Centres.

Extended Safety Data Sheets Virtual Classroom
Join our virtual classroom on 17 September 2025 to learn more about how to ensure your chemical products get to the EU market safely

Life Cycle Assessment: From Cradle to Grave
Join us for a 2-hour virtual classroom that will help you understand the LCA principles, methodology, data requirements and communication. It will help you future proof your product range and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.

A Practical Guide to UK REACH
Join our virtual classroom on 6 October 2025 to learn about UK REACH, an ambitious chemical regulation and places a number of different obligations on manufacturers, importers and downstream users.

A Practical Guide to to IUCLID for REACH
This one day workshop held in Lancaster, UK will provide an effective guide to use and navigate the IUCLID interface for different submissions in the REACH working context

Global "REACH": Strategies and Tools for Chemical Compliance
This 2 day in-person workshop held in Lancaster, UK will provide essential tips and tricks to place your products on the market globally

3 Day Hazard Communication Workshop
Coming November 11-13 2025 Join us for a 3-Day, in-depth Hazard Communication workshop in Lancaster, UK

A Practical Guide to EU and UK REACH
This 2 day In-Person Classroom in Lancaster course will provide the knowledge and techniques necessary to fulfil the registration obligations under the REACH Regulation and to manage the potential impact of the Regulation on their business.

Introduction to European and GB Biocidal Product Regulations
Join our virtual classroom on 17th of December 2025 to gain insight into the EU and GB-BPR, and learn how to comply with this regulation.

Introduction to European and GB Biocidal Product Regulations
Join us for a 2-hour virtual classroom that covers the essential aspects of EU and GB-BPR compliance, designed to give you practical insights and actionable steps in a short time.

A Practical Guide to EU and UK REACH
This interactive classroom is designed to meet the needs of regulatory and compliance managers tasked with delivering or overseeing the REACH registration requirements of their organisations.

3 Day Hazard Communication Workshop
This 2 day in-person workshop held in Lancaster, UK will provide essential tips and tricks to place your products on the market globally.

Global "REACH": Strategies and Tools for Chemical Compliance
This 2 day in-person workshop held in Lancaster, UK will provide essential tips and tricks to place your products on the market globally.

A practical guide to IUCLID for REACH
This one day workshop held in Lancaster, UK will provide an effective guide to use and navigate the IUCLID interface for different submissions in the REACH working context.

Life Cycle Assessment: From Cradle to Grave
Advance your sustainability journey with this virtual LCA training on 17 September 2024

A Practical Guide to UK REACH — Virtual Classroom
This course is designed to meet the needs of regulatory and compliance managers tasked with ensuring operations and exports to the UK can be made in a compliant fashion.

Ensuring SDS Compliance Within Your Supply Chain
Join our virtual classroom on 22 May 2024 to gain a full understanding of the requirements of a REACH-compliant SDS and identify the skills and resources needed to create them

Introduction to Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP)
Join our virtual classroom on 21 May 2024 to gain a useful overview of the requirements of the EU Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation and how it impacts on hazardous product labelling and the supply of chemical products within the EU.

Product Compliance for Online Sales
This workshop will highlight the different aspects to be taken into account when selling or buying chemicals online to comply with the European chemical regulations and thus ensure consumer and environmental protection.

Global "REACH": Strategies and Tools for Chemical Compliance
This 2 day in-person workshop held in Forchheim, Germany will provide essential tips and tricks to place your products on the market globally.

3 Day Hazard Communication Workshop
All Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors of hazardous chemical products are required to classify and label their products to CLP and comply with the new Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements, before placing them on the market.
The focus of this workshop is to highlight the changes in classification system and its major impacts on labelling and supply of chemical products within the EU. The adoption of the new labelling requirements, whether business to business or business to consumer, has posed its own challenges and this will also be discussed. We will highlight some of the difficulties SMEs are facing in adopting the new classification and labelling requirements, in addition to the associated infrastructure and costs.
Topics to be covered during this workshop
Classification, Labelling and Packaging
Gain an understanding of the main principles and learn how to navigate the regulatory text. At the end of the topic you will know and understand your obligations according to your role in the supply chain.
Poison Centre Notifications
Learn which of your products fall under the requirements of Annex VII of CLP (EU Poison Centre Notifications) and require notifying and by when. Furthermore, you will learn and understand which information is required and how to undertake a notification to the Member State Poison Centres.
Safety Data Sheets
You will gain a full understanding of the requirements of a REACH compliant SDS and identify the skills and resources needed to create them
eSDS and Exposure Scenarios
Understand what are the main obligations of extended Safety Data Sheets and when you should receive Exposure Scenarios from your supply chain and what information to pass downstream.
Who should attend?
This workshop will be most relevant to:
SDS authors
Label authors
Third party regulatory consultants
Anyone working in hazard and risk assessments
Downstream users of chemicals
Early bird special price valid until 15/01/2024 - Following this full price of €1875
After completing this workshop, you will qualify as a competent person capable of authoring SDS.

Hazard Communication: SDS Authoring
This e-learning course guides you to learn how to author safety data sheets in accordance with the EU REACH Annex II SDS regulation 2020/878

Hazard Communication: Classification, Labelling and Packaging
Learn how to classify your chemical products according to GHS and EU CLP

ISO Management Systems Made Simple: A Guide to Effective Development and Implementation
This course decodes ISO terminology so that you can confidently comply with various ISO standards such as quality, environmental management and health and safety standards.

European Biocidal Product Regulation: Transitional Period Requirements
A detailed, in-depth course to learn how to meet your BPR transitional period requirements across the EU (European Union), EEA (European Economic Area) and GB (Great Britain).