Our Nano Services
Yordas provides customised nanoparticle characterisation services designed to meet our clients’ needs whilst satisfying the recent definition of ‘nanoform’ for REACH:
A form of a natural or manufactured substance containing particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm – 100 nm.
If you are placing nanoforms on the market, Yordas can provide guidance and assistance on fulfilling all your hazard, exposure and risk assessment obligations arising from this amendment to REACH.
How Can We Help?
Yordas is a leading global provider of regulatory consultancy. Although REACH has the most detailed obligations for nanoforms, many other regulations have specific requirements from cosmetics to biocides. We can assist clients by providing advice, identifying and meeting broader regulatory obligations unique to nanomaterials.
The exposure and risk assessment of nanoforms can be more complex than other substances because of the possibility of transformation of the nanoform to another nanoform during the life-cycle of the substance. Yordas has been part of EU-funded projects that have been focused on identifying the nanoform and measuring exposure for workplace, consumer and environmental scenarios.
We have also been part of the development of new approaches to nanomaterial risk assessment that has guided the development of the amended regulations. Whether it be for regulatory obligations or to optimise your occupational safety programs, Yordas can provide the expertise to help you achieve your goals.
Safety-by-design is a concept that ensures that reducing hazard and risk to humans and the environment is an intrinsic part of product design and development. Yordas uses our experience with risk assessment for nanomaterials to support your company to apply safety by design that will produce safer products and reduce the cost of development.
REACH states that different approaches to those used for bulk substances may be needed for nanoforms to satisfy the registration endpoints of REACH. In addition, the requirement to provide information for each nanoform could potentially lead to a large amount of testing being commissioned.
Yordas’ experts have been part of the Partner Expert Group that assists ECHA with writing the Guidance for Information Requirements and are active members of EU funded projects focused on developing Grouping and Read Across strategies for nanoforms. We are in the fortunate position to use our position at the leading edge of research to be able to design strategies to identify sets of similar nanoforms and read-across strategies that will replace your testing costs. We are able to design the animal-free testing and use the latest research to scientifically justify these approaches. If testing is needed, Yordas uses our experience to design and commission the most appropriate study for your products.
Yordas applies our experience to support our clients to ensure all their products are properly covered in any update to the registration dossier. We have supported clients through substance evaluation for both bulk substances and nanoforms.
Yordas offers bespoke particle characterisation services, handling requests on a substance-by-substance basis.
Initial scoping investigation
A scoping assessment will evaluate existing information pertaining to a given substance, including any existing particle characterisation data. Once this is complete, Yordas can provide guidance on the next steps to achieve compliance.
Particle characterisation of nanoforms
If no particle characterisation data exists for the client’s substance, or if existing data is insufficient for the purposes of meeting the EC definition, then Yordas can offer a package of particle characterisation testing including:
• Particle shape and morphology
• Number-weighted particle size distribution
• Volume specific surface area (VSSA)
• Composition and surface functionalisation
Updating registration dossiers
Yordas can incorporate new and/or existing data into a particle characterisation report, which can be attached to existing registrations.
Meet The Team
Dr Neil Hunt
Managing Regulatory Consultant
With a PhD in organometallic chemistry, Neil worked in industry as a development and scale-up chemist for many years before completing a Masters in Environmental Management and Consultancy. He provides the technical proficiency for a number of EU funded projects investigating the exposure and risk arising from the use of engineered nanomaterials.
Dr Aiden Robertson
Senior Chemistry Consultant
Aiden is an experienced PhD chemist with over 3 years of experience in chemical regulation. His specialist area is supramolecular chemistry and solid-state analytical chemistry but his technical experience in both REACH and Biocides means that he has worked with a broad range of organic, inorganic and biological substances, polymers, minerals, petroleum products and formulations.
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Gain personalized insights and expert guidance tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're navigating global regulatory changes, managing hazard communications, or ensuring chemical compliance, our team is committed to providing the support and solutions you need to stay ahead. Let us help you tackle today’s challenges and prepare for tomorrow’s opportunities.