Poison Centre Notifications
Importers and downstream users placing hazardous mixtures on the EU and EEA market are required to submit information on the composition of the hazardous products to the Member State-appointed bodies commonly known as Poison Centres.
600,000 x 4 min: EU Poison Centres answer an average of 600,000 calls each year in response to accidental exposure, providing medical advice to general consumers and physicians when health emergencies arise from exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Poison centres respond mainly to questions from healthcare professionals, and in some Member States, they give direct advice to concerned citizens. With this in mind, quick access to accurate information is a must. For example, the Norwegian Poisons Information Centre has an average call time of four minutes.
Our Poison Centre Notifications and Equivalents Worldwide guide covers some practical issues specific to making poison centre notifications such as data gap analysis, PCN dossier generation, UFI generation, and more.
4 Reasons Companies Fail To Meet The Deadline
Lack of Information from the Supply Chain
Collating required information may require communications with your supply chain, as the information available in your safety data sheet will not be sufficient in most cases.
Low Quality Toxicological information
It is important that the toxicological information submitted is sufficient and compliant. For this purpose, it is essential for you to review the quality of information in Section 11 of the product SDS.
UFIs are generated too late
The generated UFI must already be known to poison centres as part of a submission before you communicate this to your supply chain.
Submitting too late
In some Member States, your submission is not complete until the poison centre has 'downloaded' the notification. This can take up to 2 weeks.
How Can We Help?
We provide support at every step of the notification process from scoping out which products require notification to undertaking the notification on your behalf.
Involves identifying products that meet the relevant definitions and are required to be notified as part of Annex VIII of CLP. This may also include communicating the Member State notification fee, if applicable.
Includes data extraction from product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for required physiochemical and toxicological information, and collating additional required information.
* The Poison Centre dossier includes data such as administrative information, emergency contact details of the client, country of market placement, main intended use in line with the European Product Categorisation System (EuPCS), product identification description, product packaging description, product composition submission and component range assessment based on composition data provided by the client.
This person has the responsibility to communicate with the competent authorities, to ensuring that the submitted information is compliant with the CLP Regulation, and to archive records for at least 10 years after placing on the market.
* The Legal Entity is the person established within the EU and EEA who is responsible for the voluntary Poison Centre Notification for Products placed on the market.
Maintaining all records and data on products covered by the service agreement and required by the regulators.
Confirming the unique product formula number and generating the UFI.
Submitting dossier via ECHA’s online notification portal and performing validation checks or updates, if required.
Monitoring guidance on CLP Annex VIII issued by ECHA and giving advice on matters relating to Poison Centre Notification activities.
Managing all formal communication with ECHA and Member State with respect to Poison Centre Notifications.
Connect With Our Experts
Let our regulatory experts take the complication out of meeting your poison centre notification requirements. To start your PCN process now and to avoid penalties, get in touch with our Poison Centre Experts below.
Guide - Poison Centre Notifications and Equivalents Worldwide
Our Poison Centre Notifications and Equivalents Worldwide guide covers some practical issues specific to making poison centre notifications such as data gap analysis, PCN dossier generation, UFI generation, and more.