SCIP Database
Manufacturers, suppliers, importers, and distributors of simple and complex articles placed on the EU markets are required to submit information on the presence of hazardous substances in their products to a central database known as the SCIP database.
The database is part of a global trend towards increased transparency in the supply chain. Let our regulatory experts take the complication out of meeting your SCIP notification requirements.
The 5 W’s of SCIP
What is the SCIP Database?
The SCIP database is designed to contain all information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) In articles as such in complex objects (Products) at a concentration > 0.1% w/w.
Since 5 January 2021, companies supplying articles containing Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) on the REACH Candidate List in a concentration of 0.1% w/w or above need to notify their information via the SCIP database.
Where is the biggest impact?
Global impact but has EU-specific obligations.
Sectors affected:
Consumer products
Any sector with substances of concern in products
Why does the SCIP Database exist?
As part of the EU Circular Economy Package, the database will facilitate the transition to a more sustainable economy by optimising the use of resources.
Who is affected by the SCIP Database?
Benefit Holder
Waste Operator
You (the client)
The Earth
Duty Holder
EU-based suppliers
EU-based importers
EU-based distributors
Information Holder
When do the obligations start?
SCIP database prototype launched: Feb 2020
SCIP database goes live for submissions: Oct 2020
Start of legal requirement to notify to SCIP database: 5 Jan 2021
SCIP database available to consumers and waste operators: Fall 2021
Frequent Stumbling Blocks
Understanding obligations
Companies outside of the EU are also affected if they are part of a global supply chain that includes the EU.
Gathering data from suppliers
It is important that the relevant data is collected from suppliers in an efficient manner. Yordas can help you write and disseminate surveys to collect data from your suppliers.
Concern about Confidential Business Information (CBI)
ECHA will not disseminate who submitted the SCIP notification. We can advise on other ways to protect your and your suppliers’ CBI.
Submitting data to ECHA
SCIP dossiers must be submitted according to the IUCLID format. We can help transform your data into the right format and submit to the database via a system-to-system API.
How Can We Help?
We provide support at every step of the notification process from scoping your product portfolio to submitting and updating dossiers.
SVHC scoping of portfolio
Involves guidance on identifying products with SVHCs > 0.1% w/w.
Collecting required data
Use our data template to gather the right information from your suppliers.
Reducing notification burden
We can advise on ECHA-approved strategies like referencing, grouping, and simplified notifications to reduce the work burden.
Dossier creation
In-house transformation tools used to create article dossiers in IUCLID format.
Submitting dossiers to ECHA through Yordas’ SCIP portal and providing an audit trail.
ECHA Account Management
Setting up an ECHA account on the client’s behalf for the main Legal Entity and any other sister entities.
Providing guidance on matters relating to SCIP activities, such as:
Article category (TARIC code)
Material category
BOM structure
Data validation
Dossier maintenance
Updating existing dossiers and/or adding new dossiers for articles on a regular basis.
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Whether you need assistance with sustainability strategy, regulatory compliance, or environmental impact assessment, our experts are ready to collaborate with you. Get in touch with us today, and let's work together to drive your organization towards its sustainability goals!