Delivering Life Cycle Assessment services for a US-based manufacturer
The Client was required to measure the life cycle carbon emissions of their patented technology to meet the requirements of one of their major customers. Obtaining the carbon footprint of their product was a time sensitive matter to ensure continuity of their agreement with the manufacturer. Due to the nature of their product and intensive manufacturing processes, establishing a shared understanding of their product system, including the required materials, ingredients and process steps was of critical importance, as was communicating with the Client’s suppliers and process engineers to understand how key components were manufactured and assembled.
The Client
A global manufacturer of e-display technology commonly used in smartphones, e-readers, tablets, and electronic wearables.
Our Solution
Scoping Assessment
Our multidisciplinary team of experts initially conducted a Scoping Assessment to establish the key scoping elements in accordance with the ISO 14040 framework. The study goal, functional unit and system boundary were determined and the intended application was clarified. The agreed Scoping Assessment provided a framework for the rest of the study and was used to inform the data collection process.
Inventory Development
Yordas utilised its Data Management Tool (DMT) to support the data collection process. An inventory of product inputs (e.g., ingredients, materials, energy requirements) and outputs (e.g., parts, waste, emissions) for each process was established with accompanying metadata including data sources, methods and comments on data quality. The use of the DMT ensured an efficient, timely carbon assessment, and allowed Yordas’ experts to effectively identify and advise on data gaps that needed to be addressed to ensure a representative product model.
Life Cycle Modelling & Reporting
System modelling was carried out using the GaBi life cycle engineering software. Yordas’ experts utilised their LCA and product knowledge to model the carbon footprint as determined by the global warming potential indicator, over a 100-year time scale (GWP100). A carbon footprint impact profile was generated and a hotspot analysis was performed to highlight the processes that contributed most significantly to the overall footprint. Yordas delivered a detailed report containing the results of the carbon assessment, and key interpretations, and advised on how best to reduce the system's carbon footprint.
Benefits for the Client
The Client was able to use the assessment to develop an understanding of the product’s carbon footprint and to continue their relationship with their customer. The assessment results will act as a benchmark for future studies and have identified key areas for improvement and for achieving stakeholder decarbonisation targets.