Almost a year on from the first compliance date for EU poison centre notifications, let’s take a look at the current status of EU Member States accepting notifications.
The regulation, also commonly known as Annex VIII of the CLP, requires companies putting chemical products on the market, to notify their hazardous products to relevant national appointed bodies.
In this webinar, we will give advice on how to prepare poison centre notifications using the ECHA Submission Portal, tips for duty holders who are new to dossier preparation, keep failing validation rules and how to update your notifications. In addition, the webinar will offer solutions for complications frequently faced by businesses.
What the session will cover?
Brief background on CLP Regulation Annex VIII, and information required to be submitted
How to submit notifications using the ECHA Submission Portal
Current status of EU Member States accepting poison centre notifications
Common complications faced by businesses with expert solutions, e.g., non-EU entities who wish to hide their proprietary information
Who should attend?
Companies placing chemical products on the market for consumers and professional users, in the EU
Global regulatory professionals from companies having activities in the EU
Any regulatory professional working closely with the EU CLP Regulation
About the presenter
Ms Fiona Moir is a Senior Regulatory Consultant and is an experienced Safety Data Sheet author with over 10 years of experience who can correctly classify substances and mixtures to the CLP regulation and other global classification systems for a variety of industries. She leads the GHS and SDS services which include the delivery, ongoing development of service structure, operations and training. These services also include compiling and assessing product labels; including aspects of additional regulations such as Biocidal Products Regulation, Detergents Directive and the Aerosol Dispensers Directive. Furthermore, she takes a leading role with YG’s Exposure Scenario (ES) and eSDS services. She can assist with extracting Exposure Scenarios (ES) from the existing Chemical Safety Report for inclusion in the eSDS. She has been delivering Hazard Communication training to professionals in a wide range of industries for a number of years.