Chemical Regulatory and Sustainability News
China: MEE Order 12 to replace MEP Order 7
China Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection (MEE) published the final version of the MEE Order 12 which will replace the current MEP Order 7 (often referred to as “China REACH”).
Cosmetic, Biocide or a Medicinal Product? An EU and US comparison
Deciding whether a product is classed as a cosmetic, biocide or medicinal product can be a complex task. Many products have dual purposes such as antibacterial hand washes and as such can fall under different regulations. Our new whitepaper by Dr Stacey Webster aims to provide guidance on borderline products within Europe and provide a comparison to the United States with an emphasis on soaps, hand washes, cleansers and wipes.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency extends reporting period and provides updates to CDR 2020
The U.S. EPA recently provided updated guidance documents and hosted a webinar to assist industry members with understanding the requirements and changes to Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) 2020
Chemical Regulatory Updates for China (H1 2020)
China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment published Ministry Standard No. HJ 1111-2020: Technical Guidelines for Eco-environmental Health Risk Assessment (general guideline).
Taiwan Regulatory Updates (H1 2020)
TCCSCA annual report started on the 1st of April. According to Regulations of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration-Article 24: For registered new and existing chemical substances, the registrant shall, starting from April 1st 2020, during the period from April 1st to September 30th of each year, submit a report on the manufactured or imported quantity in the previous year for the new chemical substance, or the existing chemical substance, in accordance with Appendix 8.
South Korea Regulatory Updates (H1 2020)
The National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) published the Announcements to update the GHS classification list, and Ministry of Environment (MoE) published a public consultation on adding 14 substances into Korean Existing Chemical Inventory (KECI).
Japan Regulatory Updates (H1 2020)
On 31st March 2020, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) published the announcement to remove three substances from the CSCL Priority Assessment Chemical Substances (PACs). In addition, on 20th Dec 2019, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) proposed to add 6 substances into the poisonous or deleterious substances list.
Dec 2020 Updates in North America
A regulatory update by Dr Mike Wolfe who works as Associate Regulatory Consultant at Yordas Group.
North America Update Sep-Oct 2019
With the federal election fast approaching, future impacts on CEPA will be dictated by the election outcome. The Liberal Party, Green Party, Bloc Quebecois, and New Democrats all pledged to open discussion on CEPA reform.
Thailand Update Sep-Oct 2019
On 27th October, the 4th revision of Thailand’s revised Hazardous Substance Control Act will enter into force. The revised Act separates the definition of “transit” from that of “import”. Some procedures have also been simplified to reduce the regulatory burden.
Taiwan Regulatory Update Sep-Oct 2019
On 9th September, the EPA published a draft revision of the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA) implementation rules
South Korea Update Sep–Oct 2019
Yordas Group’s Regulatory Experts Tan Sun and Sophie Guinard sum up recent regulatory updates for the South Korean Market.
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#hivenotifier 2 GB MCL Technical Reports published https://t.co/LW6CEJVgB0
#hivenotifier GB MCL consultation launched on Bixlozone https://t.co/UpDyg1KfG6
#hivenotifier 3 CLH consultations launched https://t.co/YtbIOOe4mr