Global Chemical Notifications

The production, use and distribution of chemicals is an integral part of manufacturing and international supply chains. The legislation and management of chemicals by national and international bodies around the globe help to protect the environment, human health and uphold social responsibilities.

We live in an age of regulation with complex legislation regarding the use of chemicals across the globe and at different levels of government. At times, this proliferation of regulation can seem onerous and stifling to business. However, it is Yordas’ position that chemicals management enables a number of significant benefits for business and society as a whole. From getting your product on the market safely, to facilitating information sharing, driving innovation through safer and greener chemical substitutions, to building consumer confidence and trust. Global chemicals management promotes a proactive approach to responsible product stewardship and best practice.

Yordas offers concise, comprehensive and cost-effective up-to-date information about notification requirements, developing legislation and regulations around the world, and we can support you to ensure you remain compliant. From identifying regulatory obligations and understanding international business risks, to fully supporting your in-house regulatory teams, Yordas can help secure access to global markets.

Our regulatory professionals are backed internally by scientific, (eco)toxicity, risk assessment and chemicals management specialists, while our network of trusted partners ensures we can offer not only local legal representation where required, but in-country sources who can verify requirements, offer regulatory interpretation and direct communication with the authorities.

Yordas has supported hundreds of importing and exporting organisations to meet international chemical requirements.

 Notifications we can help you with


How will Brexit affect your business?

Ensuring continuity and stability after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU is of significant importance to Yordas Group, our partners and our clients. Through active leadership from both our UK and German subsidiary office, we can assure our clients, existing and new, that we will continue to be reliable partners in supporting access to European markets.

The Team – Our Regulatory Experts

Dr Mark Earnshaw Managing Regulatory ConsultantMark leads the regulatory team at Yordas and specialises in the delivery and project management of EU and UK REACH services in addition to related chemical legislation such as waste, cosmetics and food.…

Dr Mark Earnshaw
Managing Regulatory Consultant

Mark leads the regulatory team at Yordas and specialises in the delivery and project management of EU and UK REACH services in addition to related chemical legislation such as waste, cosmetics and food. Over the past 6 years, Mark has worked closely with multinational companies in chemical sectors such as tobacco related products, petroleum substances, polymers, recycled and recovered materials, cosmetics, engineering and construction, rail and automotive, consumer goods and fine chemicals, helping them to achieve and maintain regulatory compliance within their complex and ever-evolving supply chains.

Sophie Guinard Senior Regulatory ConsultantSophie leads the development and delivery of chemical notification services globally, including in Asia, the Americas, the Middle-East and Russia. Sophie's expertise lies in researching new notification sys…

Sophie Guinard
Senior Regulatory Consultant

Sophie leads the development and delivery of chemical notification services globally, including in Asia, the Americas, the Middle-East and Russia. Sophie's expertise lies in researching new notification systems, setting up and coordinating new services, delivering training and regulatory auditing.

Sophie holds an MSc in Environmental Science from Lancaster university.

Dr Mike Wolfe Associate Regulatory ConsultantMike joined the Yordas Group after completing his PhD at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Working out of our Canadian office, his expertise is focussed on North American chemical Acts and Regulat…

Dr Mike Wolfe
Associate Regulatory Consultant

Mike joined the Yordas Group after completing his PhD at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Working out of our Canadian office, his expertise is focussed on North American chemical Acts and Regulations such as the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) and the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). This expertise is exemplified through delivery of New Substance Notifications (NSNs) in Canada and assistance with Premanufacturing Notices (PMNs) in the U.S. In addition, Mike has experience working with pesticide registrations through the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) in Canada.

Dr Alex Paul VP: Enterprise and PartnershipsAlex develops Yordas' partnerships around the world. Since 2014, Yordas has established partnerships in China, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan, and Alex leads this expansion as further Southeast Asian and…

Dr Alex Paul
VP: Enterprise and Partnerships

Alex develops Yordas' partnerships around the world. Since 2014, Yordas has established partnerships in China, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan, and Alex leads this expansion as further Southeast Asian and Latin American countries implement new chemical notification systems.

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