Life Cycle Assessment: A Guide to Communicating Results Effectively
A Guide by Damon Waterworth
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool that provides invaluable insights into the environmental impacts of products (goods and services). However, it's not enough to just conduct these studies. It's equally important to communicate and disseminate the results effectively, in accordance with best practice and regulatory guidelines.
In this whitepaper, we outline the different methods for disseminating LCA results, discuss reporting obligations, and introduce the communication principles and legislative frameworks that organisations should be aware of when conducting LCAs.
To download the guide, please fill in the form.
About the Author
Damon Waterworth
Senior Sustainability Consultant
Damon leads Yordas’ sustainability division encompassing the delivery of life cycle assessment, ecolabelling, management systems and auditing services. He is a member of the BSI committee for LCA ISO standards and has recently developed the Royal Society of Chemistry accredited e-learning course: “A Practical Guide to Conducting a Life Cycle Assessment”. Damon holds a Master of Science degree in Energy and Environmental Management from Lancaster University and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Chester.