This webinar is to help companies gain an understanding of what Article 95 is and why it is important for suppliers of biocidal active substances, treated articles and biocidal products
The session will cover
How to register for compliance with Article 95
The impact of an upcoming data protection deadline under EU BPR and how this could impact Article 95 compliant companies.
The session will benefit
Biocidal product manufacturers or suppliers seeking to understand the Article 95 application process
Companies that may be impacted by the upcoming data protection expiry deadline
Manufacturers or suppliers of non-biocides who incorporate biocidal products into their supply chain in the form of preservatives and who may need to comply with Article 95.
About the presenter
Adam Thickett, Senior Consultant
Adam has extensive experience working with EU BPR product dossiers and supporting companies with their regulatory needs. He has worked with various different types of products, including surface and air disinfection products, slimicides for the paper industry, in-situ generated active substances and embalming products.