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The Role of Robust Study Summaries in Hazard Assessment

Have your say, and take part in our survey!

Robust study summaries (RSS) are used in different regulatory frameworks to store key information from full study reports. RSS are used by assessors to make an independent assessment of a study without the need to consult the full study report. This saves them time during the hazard assessment process. The RSS concept is sometimes challenged by stakeholders as there is a concern that important information might be left out of the RSS by the authors. ECHA and the OECD have launched a project with the objective of analysing the accuracy of the RSS and proposing changes to improve their usefulness and reliability. 

If you are a user of the RSS, for example, an author, an evaluator or a reader, ECHA and the OECD are interested in your feedback as it will help us to come up with ideas and potential changes to the RSS that could improve the usefulness and reliability of the OECD Harmonised Template concept. For this purpose, we have prepared a survey that will take between 15 and 20 minutes to complete. You will also have the opportunity to volunteer for an interview to help us gain further insight into stakeholders’ experiences with RSS.   

Your participation is greatly valued. 

You can access the survey here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ECHARSSSurvey2021